Category Archives: Uncategorized

Regarding Alex Hardison’s Nov. 28 letter “Schrader must serve Central Oregon,” a lot of us out here think Oregon would be far better off with Jamie McLeod-Skinner as U.S. representative than Kurt Schrader, who has become difficult to work with, likes to play power games to keep us guessing where he stands on issues, and uses his potential positions to press for political support before he commits. Skinner is open and direct about her positions, especially on fighting climate change and steps we must take if we have any chance to save the planet. She doesn’t play games with us; she knows the issues and lets us know where she stands.

– Jane Cease, Portland

The Oregonian: December 3, 2021

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec ipsum viverra, lobortis lacus vitae, viverra urna. Curabitur eleifend fringilla libero, in volutpat ipsum egestas ut. Nullam sit amet congue magna, ac blandit libero. Integer nunc metus, tincidunt nec libero eu, mattis eleifend diam. Sed ullamcorper nisl nisi, in consectetur dui interdum quis. Aenean ac commodo turpis. Praesent malesuada neque vitae tempor ornare. Nam aliquam, nunc vitae gravida suscipit, lorem felis blandit mi, sit amet dapibus velit tellus in purus. Ut nulla metus, iaculis at arcu iaculis, varius tincidunt nibh. Integer faucibus ornare velit, at malesuada quam elementum tempor. Donec…

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec ipsum viverra, lobortis lacus vitae, viverra urna. Curabitur eleifend fringilla libero, in volutpat ipsum egestas ut. Nullam sit amet congue magna, ac blandit libero. Integer nunc metus, tincidunt nec libero eu, mattis eleifend diam. Sed ullamcorper nisl nisi, in consectetur dui interdum quis. Aenean ac commodo turpis. Praesent malesuada neque vitae tempor ornare. Nam aliquam, nunc vitae gravida suscipit, lorem felis blandit mi, sit amet dapibus velit tellus in purus. Ut nulla metus, iaculis at arcu iaculis, varius tincidunt nibh. Integer faucibus ornare velit, at malesuada quam elementum tempor. Donec…

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Protecting our democracy. From voting rights to enacting meaningful campaign finance reform to redistricting, we must tackle these issues that undermine public trust. We must engage voters from across divides so voices can be heard and participate. I have been engaged in that work for several years and will continue my work supporting diverse and progressive community leaders.

Supporting working families, including healthcare, housing, and debt-free community college. Our social safety net has been systematically eroded over the past few decades, making it even more difficult to rebound from the COVID-economy. People are struggling with the health pandemic and an ongoing inequity pandemic. We need a responsive government that focuses on providing critical physical AND social infrastructure. We need to invest in affordable housing, healthcare, homecare, childcare, special and early childhood education, debt-free community college and trade programs, and a person’s right to choose. As a wealthy nation, our fundamental decency is rightfully questioned when we leave this…

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Addressing the Climate crisis. The climate crisis is destroying our homes, our crops, and the air we breathe. We must set policies and create incentives to change the trajectory of our climate, as well as improve our responses to the resulting disasters.  Leading wildfire recovery efforts in the City of Talent earlier this year, I came face-to-face with people whose homes and livelihoods had been destroyed. I provided tangible results for those families, including farmworkers and seniors living on fixed incomes, and successfully pushed federal agencies to do more.
